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Viking Fund

What Is The Viking Fund?  

The Jefferson College Foundation encourages faculty, staff, friends, supporters, vendors, community members and alumni to support the College by making an annual gift to the Viking Fund.  Gifts to the Viking Fund strengthen Jefferson College's ability to serve students through scholarships, teaching innovations, updated technology, comprehensive programs, and facility improvements, positively impacting student lives and preserving the high-quality education students receive at Jefferson College.

What Does A Gift To The Viking Fund Support? 

Jefferson College has witnessed remarkable growth since its inception in the 1960s.  Your support of the Viking Fund will help change the lives of others forever, as well as strengthen the future of OUR community with your gift to the Jefferson College Foundation Viking Fund Campaign.   

Jefferson College receives its funding from tuition and fees, local property taxes and state aid.  Because the Jefferson College Board of Trustees is committed to keeping education affordable, the Board has been hesitant to raise significant revenue through large tuition increases.  State funding resources have decreased dramatically the last several years, with no increase in aid on the horizon.  The College relies on Viking Fund contributions to broaden the range of available resources for our students.

Kamryn, Foundation grant recipientBeyond the satisfaction of giving to a vital and growing institution, your gift will offer tangible rewards. You will help us provide student scholarships to individuals from all walks of life, and you will help prepare a strong future workforce right here in your own community, as 90 percent of graduates in the area will remain in Missouri and 75 percent plan to stay in Jefferson College's multi-county service area.

But don't take our word for it! Click here to meet Kamryn, a student whose life was drastically affected by COVID-19. After helping to financially care for her extended family during the pandemic, Kamryn couldn't afford to buy her textbooks and was facing the probability of quitting school. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, Kamryn received emergency funding so that she could continue to pursue her dream of a college education.

When you give to the Viking Fund, we will put your dollars to work immediately.  Your gift will help students, develop new programs, and meet the education and training needs of our community.  You can rest assured that your donation is meaningful and makes a world of difference - no matter the amount you give!

Your Click Counts for Jefferson College

Click here to begin helping students today, and realize the satisfaction that comes from helping shape the future of OUR community.  What are you waiting for?