Due to a lack of water pressure in the City of Hillsboro, the Hillsboro campus will close at 12:00 pm today, 3/11. Students should check Canvas for updates. All classes will meet as scheduled at Arnold on 3/11. A decision on evening classes at the Hillsboro campus will be made by 4 pm.

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Online Math Lab

To talk to a math instructor online at our Hillsboro campus during their hours of availability (ASC Hillsboro Math Lab Schedule Spring 2025) click Hillsboro Math Lab via Google Meet. To talk to a math instructor online at our Arnold campus during their hours of availability (ASC Arnold Schedule Spring 2025) click Arnold ASC Lab via Google Meet.

Join Mr. John Johny Monday - Thursday 4:00 - 6:00pm for online only math assistance, or join Mr. Imran Shah Monday - Wednesday 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm or Sunday 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, by clicking this link, Online Only Math Lab, during these hours.

For more information or help, contact Patricia Lee at (636) 481-3439 or via email at plee3@jeffco.edu.