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Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

In order to keep receiving your financial aid, you must stay in good academic standing, and maintain “satisfactory academic progress.”

Jefferson College’s satisfactory academic progress standards for Federal and State financial aid recipients were established in accordance with U.S. Department of Education regulations. These standards ensure that only those recipients demonstrating satisfactory progress toward the completion of their educational objective continue to receive financial assistance. These standards apply to all students, regardless of previous financial aid eligibility status.

Financial Aid Programs Covered by these standards include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work Study, Federal Direct Stafford Loan (subsidized and unsubsidized) and the Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (FPLUS), Missouri A+ Scholarship, Access Missouri Grant, and Missouri Bright Flight.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Financial aid satisfactory academic progress standards are measured each semester and determined by the following three elements:

Grade Point Average (GPA):  All financial aid recipients must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) regardless if the student previously received financial aid at Jefferson College or any other institution of higher education. The cumulative GPA for financial aid includes grades for all courses attempted at Jefferson College, including developmental/remedial courses.

Completion Rate (Pace): To continue financial aid eligibility, a student must successfully complete at least 67% of one’s official cumulative credit hour enrollment as determined at the end of the “add/drop” period. Grades of ‘F’, ‘W’, ‘I’ and ‘U’ do not meet satisfactory progress standards. A course for which a passing grade was received may be repeated one time and will count once as completed and twice as attempted. Approved developmental/remedial credits for students enrolled in a program eligible for financial aid will be included in determining satisfactory progress.

Maximum Timeframe: Regardless of any combination of course-work attempted at Jefferson College, a student may not receive financial aid beyond 150% of the student’s official academic program as measured in semester hours. Attempted credits included all earned, unearned, repeated, and transfer credits. All attempted credits count toward this limit even if financial aid was not received, or the student changes programs or pursues multiple or additional degrees.

Warning, Suspension and Reinstatement

A financial aid recipient not meeting GPA and/or Pace standards will be notified and placed on financial aid WARNING for the next term of enrollment. A student on WARNING status who does not then meet satisfactory progress standards will be notified and placed on financial aid SUSPENSION and lose financial aid. Students reaching Maximum Timeframe are placed on EXCEEDED TIMEFRAME without a warning period. A student suspended from receiving financial aid must meet the GPA and Completion Rate elements explained above to regain eligibility or follow the appeal procedure explained below.

Appeal Procedure

Because unusual circumstances may influence satisfactory progress, students may file an appeal. Complete details for the appeal procedure are available from the Financial Aid Office. A personal conference with a financial aid advisor is recommended prior to filing an appeal. Decisions of the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee are final.


You can read our entire Satisfactory Academic Progress policy here.

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