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Reporting Prohibited Conduct

Jefferson College strongly encourages the prompt reporting of any incident of sexual or gender-based discrimination or harassment to the College. Because behavior that violates the Jefferson College Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedure and Grievance Process for students and employees may also be a violation of law, any individual who has been subjected to sexual assault or harassment is also encouraged to consider criminal or civil legal options. An individual may also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and/or the Missouri Human Rights Commission. 

Any person who is aware of or who has experienced any form of Sexual Harassment may make a report at any time, within or outside College business hours, to the Title IX Coordinator. Reports may be made by the person who experienced the unwanted contact but may be made by any person including third parties, students, staff, faculty, parents, or community members. These reports may be made in person, verbally, by phone, in writing through mail or electronic mail, through the College’s Maxient reporting portal (found in MyJeffco or at, or any other manner that delivers the information to the Title IX Coordinator at any time.

Interim Title IX Coordinator

Brittany Gates
Interim Title IX Coordinator
Physical mailing address: 1000 Viking Drive, Student Center, Hillsboro, MO 63050
Office location: Student Center, 2nd floor, Room 209
Phone/Email: 636.481.3258/ TTY Users dial 711

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Tasha Welsh
Director of Human Resources
Office location: Administrative Building
Phone: 636.481.3157 TTY Users Dial 711

Michael J. Booker, Ph.D,
Associate Dean of Humanities
Office Location: Arts & Sciences (ASI) 110B
Phone: 636.481.3312 TTY Users Dial 711

Kristine Bogue
Director of Student Compliance/
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Office location: Student Center,
2nd floor, Room 209
Phone: 636.481.3258 TTY Users Dial 711

Privacy and Confidentiality in Reporting Prohibited Conduct

Upon receipt of information alleging a violation of the Jefferson College Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedure and Grievance Process for students and employees, the Jefferson College Title IX Coordinator (or Deputy Title IX Coordinator) will respond promptly to the Complainant to present options for filing a formal complaint, to discuss the availability of and implementation of supportive measures designed to preserve educational and/or program access (including safety options and options for reporting to law enforcement), as well as to discuss the investigation and grievance process. The Title IX Coordinator will take the Victim/Complainant’s wishes into account when presenting information and evaluating whether or not to file a formal complaint against the responding party (Respondent).

Please note, all employees of the College, unless specifically designated as a Confidential Reporting Source for Title IX, are required to report matters that fall under the Jefferson College Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedure and Grievance Process for students and employees to the Title IX Coordinator or to a Deputy Title IX Coordinator.  Jefferson College’s Confidential Reporting Source is the licensed mental health therapist contracted to provide counseling services for the student body (office located on the second floor of the Student Center, or by calling 636.481.3215, TTY Users dial 711, to make an appointment). Additionally, although not confidential to the extent of a counselor, the Student Advocate is another resource a victim may speak to about what options and resources are available to them. The Student Advocate is exempt from reporting to the Title IX Coordinator; however, they may report non-identifying information to the Clery Officer for crime statistic purposes (office located on the second floor of the Student Center or by calling 636.481.3267, TTY Users dial 711, to make an appointment). 

Jefferson College will keep confidential the identity of any individual who has made a report or complaint of sex discrimination, including any individuals who has made a report or filed a formal complaint of Sexual Harassment, any Complainant, any individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of sex discrimination, any Respondent, and any witness, except as may be permitted by:

  • the FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) statute or FERPA regulations;
  • requirements of law; or
  • to carry out the purposes of the regulations of Title IX, including the investigation, hearing, or judicial proceeding arising as a result of allegations of sex discrimination or Sexual Harassment.
  • In cases where a formal complaint has been filed, disclosures of identities are necessary in order to provide the proper notice as required under federal regulations. However, in all cases the disclosure of personally identifiable information will be conducted with the utmost attention to the privacy of the individuals involved.

The Intersection of Title IX and The Clery Act

In order to comply with the federal law known as the Clery Act, the College is required to collect and report specific statistical information related to incidents of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking that take place on College owned or controlled properties or at College-sponsored programs or events. This information is provided to the College’s Clery Compliance Coordinator for assessment for inclusion in daily crime statistics, timely warning reports, and for potential inclusion in the College’s Annual Safety and Security Report. The information contained in Clery reports tracks the number of Clery-reportable offenses and does not include the names or identifying information about the person(s) involved in the report. The College may share non-identifying information about reports received in aggregate form.