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Jefferson College offers a comprehensive Bi-level Nursing Program, which includes both Level I/PN (Practical Nurse) and Level II/RN (Registered Nurse) tracks, ensuring structured pathways for nursing students to progress in their education and licensure.
A male and female nursing students.

Program Overview

The Bi-level Nursing Program admits all beginning nursing students to Level I/PN, with students progressing to Level II/RN after graduation from Level I/PN. This structure enables students to complete their education efficiently while ensuring they meet all necessary licensure requirements.

  • Level I/PN [Certificate]
    • Current Level I/PN students meeting progression requirements (i.e. maintain a cumulative 85% average in all Level I/PN courses, etc.) are automatically admitted to the Level II/RN program.
  • Level II/RN [Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree]
    • A limited number of already practicing LPN's are admitted to the Level II/RN program on a space available basis only as Bridge students.

Having two separate nursing programs means there will be differences in program requirements for both applicants & current students.


Jefferson College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The Nursing Level I/PN and Level II/RN programs have Full Approval from the Missouri State Board of Nursing (MSBN).

Academic Plan

The Academic Plan is a semester-by-semester plan for the full-time student. Part-time students should work with an advisor to customize the map to fit individual needs.

Course Guides

Career Opportunities



Student Handbook:Program Entry:
2024-25 Bi-level Student Nursing HandbookFA24 PN & RN Day / SP25 PN & RN Evening
2023-24 Bi-level Nursing Student HandbookFA23 PN & RN Day / SP24 PN & RN Evening
2022-23 Bi-level Student Nursing HandbookFA22 PN & RN Day / SP23 PN & RN Evening


Fall 2024:Spring 2025:
FA24 PN Day, PN Eve: Year 1, PN Eve: Year 2SP25 PN Day, PN Eve: Year 1, and PN Eve: Year 2
FA RN Day and EveSP25 RN Day and Eve



Jefferson College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is now available. This report is required by federal law and contains policy statements and crime statistics for Jefferson College. The policy statements address Jefferson College’s policies, procedures, and programs concerning safety and security, for example, policies for responding to emergency situations and sexual offenses.

Additionally, this report contains information regarding campus security and personal safety, including topics such as: crime prevention, fire safety, Jefferson College Campus Police Department enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, disciplinary procedures, and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus. Also included are crime statistics for three previous calendar years which were reported to have occurred on campus, in or on off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the school, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus.

This report is available online at:
You may also request a paper copy from the Jefferson College Police Department by phone at 636-481-3500 or at Jefferson College Hillsboro - 802 Mel Carnahan Drive, Apartment 214, Hillsboro, MO 63050 Jefferson College Arnold-1687 Missouri State Road, Arnold, MO 63010.