
Program Overview
The Physical Science program plays a crucial role in preparing students for advanced study and successful careers in various fields such as Physics, Astronomy, and Geology.
The program is designed to provide students with important background courses in Physical Science principles. This foundational knowledge is critical for students as they transition to more specialized advanced courses, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future studies.
Degree Information
The Associate of Science (A.S.) degree is designed for engineering and biological science students to transfer to a university as part of a bachelor's degree and the Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree is designed for transfer to another college or university as part of a bachelor's degree.
Academic Plan
The Academic Plan is a semester-by-semester plan for the full-time student. Part-time students should work with an advisor to customize the map to fit individual needs.
Course Guides
Jefferson College Institutional Course Guides (ICGs) are found in the Simple Syllabus - Syllabus Library AND/OR within your Canvas class page via the Simple Syllabus link in the Course Navigation Menu.
Career Opportunities
Careers in geology offer a diverse range of opportunities across multiple sectors, including corporate, nonprofit, government, and academic fields. With a focus on investigating the natural environment, geologists contribute significantly to areas such as environmental protection, resource management, and education.