Payment Options
Payment of Tuition and Registration Fees
It is expected at the point of enrollment that students have determined a manner in which they intend to pay for their college expenses.
When a student registers for classes, the following three payment options are available:
1) Pay in full;
2) Have pending financial aid*;
3) Enroll in the tuition payment plan.
Sign up for a payment plan or pending aid payment plan by logging into your MyJeffco account, choose the Student link under Menu, the Financial Aid/Payment drop down & the Payment Plans page.
One of these three options must be in place by the Drop For Non-Payment deadlines below to secure your enrollment in classes.
*Pending financial aid is defined as FAFSA results and all other required and requested forms of supporting documentation received by Jefferson College that indicate that a student is eligible for federal/state financial aid.
Payment Plan Option Registration Deadlines
Sign up through your MyJeffco / Student Link / Financial Aid/Payment drop down / Payment Plan page
Spring 2025
- March 12th - 50% down payment, 1 payment in April
Pending Aid Only
Sign up through your MyJeffco / Student Link / Financial Aid/Payment drop down / Payment Plan page
Spring 2025
- The deadline to sign up for pending aid is March 12th.
- To be eligible for Pending Aid Plan, a student would need to have completed a 2024-2025 FAFSA. Pending aid is a tuition payment plan designed to secure a payment option and hold your seat in classes while your financial aid is being packaged. It is important to submit outstanding financial aid documentation in a timely manner.
- Pending aid plan also allows a student to make payments and be paid in full by March 31st.
- Any outstanding charges on your account after March 31st, along with an additional fee, will be charged to your account.
Summer 2025
- April 15th - No down payment, 2 payments June & July
- May 13th - 25% down payment, 1 payment July only
- June 17th - 50% down payment, 1 payment July only
*Pending Aid Plans are not available for summer semesters.
Drop for Non-Payment Deadlines
Spring 2025
- March 27th: If registered between February 1st & March 14th
Summer 2025
- April 16th
- May 14th
- June 18th
- July 9th
Additional Payment Information
Payments must be in the form of cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Payment plans and payment provisions are posted online and on MyJeffco. Students who enroll in a payment plan are responsible for all associated fees and compliance with all applicable payment plan provisions. Also, the Pending Aid Payment Plan is intended for students who anticipate receiving Pell Grant, A+, institutional scholarship, student loan, or other government agency funding. Only students who have completed and sent their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to Jefferson College, school code 002468, are eligible for the Pending Aid Payment Plan. This option allows additional time for financial aid to be processed before a student must begin making payments on his/her account balance. Being prompted with the Pending Aid Payment Plan is not a guarantee that financial aid will be received, nor that the financial aid awarded will be large enough to cover the student’s total account balance. The Pending Aid Payment Plan does not require a down payment and there is a $0 upfront fee for this plan. However, once financial aid disburses, if a balance remains on the student’s account, a non-refundable $45 payment plan fee will be processed with the payment. By enrolling in this payment plan, the student accepts responsibility for payment of any account balance not covered by financial aid. Please note the pending aid plan is not available for summer semesters.
Jefferson College encourages students and their families to submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) several months prior to enrolling in classes. This provides the opportunity for financial aid to be fully processed by the time that classes begin. It is strongly recommended that the FAFSA is filed with the Jefferson College school code (002468) no later than March 15th for an anticipated summer term enrollment, June 1 for an anticipated fall semester enrollment, and October 1st for an anticipated spring semester enrollment. Following these FAFSA submission guidelines helps to ensure that financial aid information can be fully reviewed and processed in a timely fashion, and helps to prevent student schedules from being dropped for non-payment. Please note that the State of Missouri FAFSA priority filing deadline is February 1 each year.
If a student decides to drop courses once enrolled, it is the student’s responsibility to drop within the refund period to ensure that the student’s financial obligation to the College is cancelled. A student may drop courses online through MyJeffco, or submit a Schedule Change Form to (which can be printed from the Student tab in MyJeffco or picked up in person at any Jefferson College location). This form may be returned to the Office of Enrollment Services in the Student Center, the appropriate dean or associate dean’s office, or at Jefferson College Arnold.