The Monticello Society

"I cannot live without books."
These words were written by Thomas Jefferson in a correspondence to his friend John Adams on June 10, 1815. The enrichment of books was so appreciated by Jefferson that he sent his cherished library to the nation's capital to create the Library of Congress.
The Jefferson College Foundation Monticello Society
Just as Jefferson's life would not have been fulfilled without books and knowledge, the ability of Jefferson College to provide knowledge to others would not be fulfilled without the generosity of donors to the Jefferson College Foundation. The Foundation honors and publicly recognizes top donors whose generosity, qualities of leadership, and commitment allow it to fulfill its mission and provide Jefferson College and its students with the financial support it needs for quality programs, services, and facilities. This elite list of donors is respectfully known as The Monticello Society.
The Monticello Society is comprised of individuals, corporations, and organizations whose significant lifetime contributions to the Foundation since its inception in 1991 include bequests, planned gifts, scholarships, in kind, cash, and the transfer of assets. New members are added through careful review and selection of donors to the Foundation during each year and are recognized at a special reception held in their honor at which they are presented with the Jefferson Cup and become permanent members of the prestigious Jefferson College Monticello Society.
Members of the Monticello Society belong to one of three categories based on their lifetime giving, as follows:
- Legacy Circle ($100,000+)
- Patron Circle ($50,000-$99,999)
- Benefactor Circle ($20,000-$49,999)
The Jefferson Cup
Jefferson's friend and teacher, George Wythe, had willed two large drinking beakers to Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson decided to have them, along with two of his own mugs, melted into eight drinking cups of his own design. He sent them to a Richmond, Virginia silversmith by the name of John Letelier, along with the request that the cups be exactly fashioned to his description. The cups arrived at Monticello in 1810 and were used for the rest of Jefferson's life as part of his regular dining setting. Typically the cups were filled with beer and cider at dinner and afterwards used as tumblers for wine. Upon Jefferson's death in 1826, his wife gave one to each of their six children and one to a grandson. Six cups have survived, four of which remain at Monticello. A classic design, rich in American history.
Monticello Society Members
Legacy Circle ($100,000+)
David Ault
Richard & Dianne Basler
Thomas & Vicki Burke
Community Health Center of Jefferson County
Commerce Bank, Commerce Bancshares Foundation &
The William T. Kemper Foundation
Dobbs Tire & Auto Centers
Eagle Bank & Trust, Mike Walsh
Enterprise Bank & Trust
Gene Haas Foundation
Daniel L. Govero
Jefferson Foundation
Kurt L. Koenig Scholarship Fund
David & Glenna Mangelsdorf
Mercy Hospital Jefferson
Thomas & Linda Murry
Mysun Charitable Foundation
Production Castings Inc., Al Loeffelman
Sapaugh Motor Company
Patron Circle ($50,000-$99,999)
Ameren Charitable Trust
Ameren Missouri
Mark A. Buehrle
First State Community Bank
H-J Enterprises, Inc.
Julia C. Hampton
Justin & Jennifer Hansen
Home Service Oil Company
Branton and D. Jane Houser
KJFF/J98 Radio Alpha Media
Jefferson County Veterans Memorial Committee
Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation
Harry & Genie Mueller
Pepsi-Cola Companies
Dr. Martha A. Reed
Judith A. Riddle
Larry & Beverly Sapaugh
Specialized Catering/Food Service Consultants, Mike Kumpf
Spire (Formerly Missouri Natural Gas Company)
Jack C. Taylor
Twin City Area Optimist Club
Vest Benefit Solutions, Rick Vest
Benefactor Circle ($20,000-$49,999)
Aluminum, Brick & Glass Workers #63
AMVETS Auxiliary Post 48
AT&T Missouri
Atomic Fireworks/Meramec Specialty Company
Big River Ladies Auxiliary Post #5331
The Family of Earl R. Blackwell
Bloomsdale Excavating, Inc.
Dale & Cathy Boemler
Carpenters District Council of Greater St. Louis & Vicinity
Coventry Health Care, an Aetna Company
Raymond & Vicki Cummiskey
Robert Dewoskin
John Marcus Downs
Dow Chemical Company/DuPont
Douglas Draper
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Rick & Sue Francis
Govero Land Services, Inc.
H.W. Herrell Distributing Co.
Frances V. Herrell
Home Builders Association
Hopson Lumber Company
Jefferson County Democrats
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
William & Michelle Kennen
Krieg, Lohbeck & Company
Leader Publications
Patricia Loomis
Lillian A. Mangelsdorf
Pete & Dena McCaffrey
William & Debbie McKenna
Jack & Janet McLard
Beverly Meyers
Paragon Architecture
PEO Chapter FR
Charles & Anna Sheehan
Sheet Metal Contractors Inc.
St. Anthony’s Medical Center
The Jack & Edith Stewart Family
Dr. Kenneth Studyvin
Thomas Industrial Coatings, Inc.
Twin City Chamber of Commerce
Twin City Toyota
Michael & Lisa Walsh
Roger C. Zacher, Sr.
Zion United Methodist Church