Teacher Education
Program Overview
The Jefferson College Teacher Education Program is designed with the future in mind--the futures of not only the pre-service teachers in the program, but also the futures of students whom program graduates will teach during their careers.
The Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) is a pre-professional statewide degree program designed to prepare students for transfer into a four-year teacher education program. Jefferson College’s AAT is comprised of 42 credit hours of general education, a 13-credit hour teacher education core, the first year experience requirement, a minimum of six additional credit hours in electives, and passing the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA).
With the assistance of some outstanding professionals from Jefferson County and around the state, the Teacher Education Program and the AAT were developed to facilitate the development of highly-capable, professional teachers. In addition, by creating an academic culture that is responsive to the needs of pre-service teachers, the Teacher Education Program models the constructivist teaching philosophy.
The entire Jefferson College faculty will work with you to help you achieve success. Feel free to contact the teacher education faculty for advising. We want you to be successful in our program and in the classroom. Learn more about what the program has to offer by clicking the links below.
Degree Information
The Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.) degree is designed for education majors who plan to transfer to another college or university as part of a bachelor's degree.
Academic Plan
The Academic Plan is a semester-by-semester plan for the full-time student. Part-time students should work with an advisor to customize the map to fit individual needs. Review the Teacher Education Academic Plan.
Course Guides
Jefferson College Institutional Course Guides (ICGs) are found in the Simple Syllabus - Syllabus Library AND/OR within your Canvas class page via the Simple Syllabus link in the Course Navigation Menu.
View the Teacher Education ICGs.
Many Teacher Education programs at senior colleges and universities vary in terms of the requirements for admission. Therefore, we recommend that students select courses with the help of a teacher education faculty advisor to meet degree requirements and prerequisites as well as consult information from the institution to which they anticipate transferring.
Aspiring Educators Club
Aspiring Educators of Jefferson College exists to promote the professional development of future PK-12 teachers who are students at Jefferson College.
Reasons to Join:
- Meeting other future teachers
- Being involved on campus
- Leadership opportunities
- Service opportunities
- Participating in a variety of activities
- Enhancing your teaching résumé
- Benefits through statewide Aspiring Educators
For more information, please contact club advisor Dr. Ken Boning, at kboning@jeffco.edu.
Another option to get involved would be the National Education Association (NEA) Aspiring Educators - Learn more and join the Missouri NEA!
Web Resources
- Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
- Substitute Teaching in Missouri
- ISTE Standards for Students (NETS-S)
- ISTE Standards for Teachers (NETS-T)
- Education World
- NEA Code of Ethics
Advising Information
- AAT Academic Planner
- Missouri Baptist University in Jefferson County
- Missouri Baptist University AAT Transfer Guides
- University of Missouri - St. Louis Transfer Student Information for Jefferson College
- Other Transfer Resources on the Jefferson College Website
- Teacher Certification Programs at Missouri Colleges and Universities (from MBU)
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