Due to inclement weather, all Jefferson College locations will be closed on Friday, January 10. Staff do not report.

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Login Instructions

Click one of the buttons below. Please note If you have NOT enrolled in 2-Step Verification
on your MyJeffco account, you will not be able to access college resources. 
Turn on 2-Step Verification - Computer - Google Account Help.

The “new” login page will be Google’s login screen. You will use your jeffco.edu
email address and password.

403 Error

If you are logged into a personal Google Gmail account and attempt to login to your jeffco.edu account in the same browser you will get the 403 error. Use the steps below the image to resolve the error.

The 403 error can be resolved by adding the jeffco.edu account to your browser. If you’ve received the error, it means you are already logged into a non jeffco.edu Google account. Go to www.gmail.com and your account should open. At the top right you can click on the User Icon and a drop down with accounts will appear. Click “Add Account” to add your jeffco.edu account.

403 Error Instructions

You will be prompted to login to Google. Once you login with your jeffco.edu account, it will be added to the list. Now you will be able to select the account from the list. This is demonstrated below.

If you have two or more Google accounts associated with the browser, then Google will allow you to select which account you want to use. Make sure to choose your jeffco.edu account. If it is not listed, you can click the Add Account button and it will prompt you to login with that account.

Google Choose Your Account

Important: When you are finished using MyJeffco, please remember to log out.