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Professional Development

Growing Jefferson College Employees

To help support the continual growth of Jefferson College employees, below is a list of current professional development opportunities. For any questions regarding professional development, contact the Office of Human Resources at ext. 3153 or

Enterprise University

Instruction Division Professional Development Request Form

Mineral (Formerly ThinkHR)
Mineral offers a variety of courses that develop employees and ensure compliance. Click here for the course catalog.
Welcome emails have been sent explaining log in instructions/information. For any questions or issues logging in, contact the Office of Human Resources at ext. 3153.

Missouri Community College Association (MCCA)

Personal Assistance Services
You will need to use Company ID JEFFCO to log in.

Username is your V# and password is "jefferson". If for some reason V# does not work for username try first initial of first name and then last name all lowercase (e.g. for Jane Doe username would be jdoe). For any questions or issues logging in, contact the Office of Human Resources at ext. 3153.

Understanding Higher Education

Emergency Management Institute