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cheer team

Being part of the Cheer Team at Jefferson College offers an excellent opportunity to engage with both the campus community and the wider public. The Cheer Team plays a crucial role in promoting school spirit during athletic events, which fosters a sense of unity and belonging among students and alumni alike. Additionally, their visibility at community events helps strengthen ties between the college and its surrounding area, providing a platform for outreach and service.

Benefits of Joining the Team

Jefferson College offers one of the most competitive benefits packages available to all of our cheerleaders.

cheer team performance
  • Cheer for NJCAA Division II Games
  • Scholarship: $250 - $1,000 per year
  • Nike & BSN apparel: Paid by the College
  • Uniforms and Gear: Paid by the College
  • On-campus and off-campus training 
  • Full access to trainers
  • Weight room instruction and usage

Tryout Information

If you are interested in joining the team or need additional information, please contact Head Coach Jess at or Assistant Coach Allison at for a private tryout.

Victor the Viking

Jefferson College Cheerleading is currently looking for a student, or students, to be Victor the Viking at games and events. This individual would be a member of the cheerleading team and would be requested to participate with the team at practices and events. We are looking for a student who will enhance the character of Victor the Viking for the college through fun, animated performances, and commit to performing as requested at college and public events to promote Jeffco school spirit throughout the academic year, including summer (as needed), interact with kids and fans during events in a positive and exciting way, and be present at athletic events.

Coaching Staff

Jess Bartlett, Head Coach,

Allison Andeline, Assistant Coach,