Academic Services

The college emphasizes the importance of academic services, which are crucial for student success. These services include tutoring and various academic support options, ensuring that students have access to the help they need throughout their studies.

Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center provides a variety of support helping students reach their academic and career goals. The Academic Success Center offers free tutoring at Hillsboro and Arnold.

Adult Education & Literacy
Jefferson College offers free classes to prepare students for the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET). Classes are offered at various locations and times.

Accessibility Resource Office
Students with disabilities can utilize support services offered by the Accessibility Resource Office by registering with the program coordinator.

Help Desk
Help desk staff are available to answer questions related to online learning and educational technology.

Project Success
An academic program available to eligible students who are interested in graduating from Jefferson College and transferring to a four year institution.

Testing Center
The Testing Center offers a variety of testing services for students including the Accuplacer Next Gen Reading and Math placement tests, correspondence tests, distance learning tests, exit exams (graduation requirement), faculty make-up tests, and many other standardized tests