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Courses Available to Early College Students

Students should check with their high school guidance counselor to determine which specific courses are offered at their schools. Most institutions of higher education will not accept transfer credits for courses in which students have earned grades lower than a “C,” so students should dedicate themselves to producing work of high quality in every class.
Deadlines for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course must be met. These dates can be found in the tables at the bottom of the How to Apply page. 
All courses require proof of reading proficiency. Additional prerequisites, co-requisites, or placement scores may be required. 
Please note the following:
  • Not all courses are available at all high schools as Dual Credit.
  • With counselor approval, any course is available as Dual Enrollment.
  • School guidance counselors should be consulted for current offerings at each school.
  • For a full list of courses available as Dual Enrollment, consult the College Catalog or the online Class Schedule.

Early College Courses

The following courses are among those that earn credit toward an Associate of Arts degree at Jefferson College. 
* Denotes courses that may be available as advanced Honors College versions. (Admission to the College Honors Program is required.)

”  Denotes courses with a laboratory component.

Courses in bold are designated Missouri Transfer Guaranteed CORE 42 courses (MOTR).    

- ART101 Art Appreciation
- ART103 Survey of Art I
- ART105 Survey of Art II
- ART115 Drawing I 
ART123 Ceramics/Pottery I
- ART141 Painting I
- ART143 Landscape Painting
- ART150 Digital Photography I
- ART160 Graphic Design I
- BIO101 General Biology *"
- BIO102 Concepts in Biology
- BIO109 Ecology and Environmental Conservation
- BIO116 Anatomy and Physiology for Pre-Hospital Healthcare
- BIO120 Human Anatomy and Physiology " 
- BIO211 Anatomy and Physiology I "
- CHM101 Introductory Chemistry "
- CHM102 Concepts in Chemistry
- CHM111 General Chemistry I *" 
- CIS125 Computer Concepts and Applications
- CIS155 Introduction to Computer Programming
- COL101 Introduction to College: Strategies for Success
- COL136 Mastering the College Experience
- COM100 Fundamentals of Communication *
- COM110 Public Speaking
- CRJ110 Introduction to Criminal Justice
- ECO100 Introduction to Economics
- ECO101 Macroeconomics
- ECO102 Microeconomics
- ENG101 English Composition I *
- ENG102 English Composition II *
- ENG104 Creative Writing
- ENG105 Poetry and Short Story
- ENG106 Drama and Short Novel
- ENG122 Film Appreciation
- ENG215 World Literature: Before 1650 *
- ENG225 English Literature: Before 1800
- ENG226 English Literature: After 1800
- ENG228 American Literature: Before 1800
- ENG229 American Literature: After 1800
- ENG250 Mythology*
- FRN101 Beginning French
- FRN102 Intermediate French
- GEO103 World Regional Geography
- GRM101 Beginning German
- GRM102 Intermediate German
- HST103 U.S. History I to Reconstruction *
- HST104 U.S. History II from Reconstruction *
- HST201 Ancient and Medieval Civilization
- HST202 Renaissance to Early Modern Europe
- HUM270 Leadership Development Studies through the Humanities *
- MGT125 Personal Finance
- MSC101 Fundamentals of Music
- MSC131 Music Appreciation
- MSC133 Jazz Appreciation
- MSC135 History of Rock and Roll
- MSC137 World Music
- MSC144 Woodwind Ensemble
- MSC145 Brass Ensemble
- MSC146 Percussion Ensemble
- MSC152 Concert Band
- MSC231 Music Literature: Before 1750
- MSC232 Music Literature: After 1750
- MSC241 Small Jazz Combo
- MSC251 Jazz Ensemble
- MSC259 Concert Chorale
- MTH131 Survey of College Mathematics
- MTH132 Introductory Statistics
- MTH134 College Algebra *
- MTH141 Precalculus
- MTH161 Calculus for Business & Social Sciences
- MTH180 Calculus I
- MTH185 Calculus II
- PHL101 Logic
- PHL102 Introduction to Philosophy *
- PHL201 World Religions
- PHL202 Ethics *
- PHL204 Business & Professional Ethics
- PHY101 Survey of Physical Science  
- PHY102 Topics in the Physical Sciences
PHY105 Physical Geology  
PHY106 Introduction to Astronomy  
PHY111 Elementary College Physics I 
- PHY223 General Physics  
- PSC102 U.S. & Missouri Governments and Constitutions *
- PSC155 International Relations
- PSC202 Introduction to Comparative Politics
- PSY101 General Psychology *
- PSY205 Lifespan Human Development
- SOC101 General Sociology *
- SOC115 Cultural Anthropology
- SOC250 Social Problems
- SPN101 Beginning Spanish
- SPN102 Intermediate Spanish
- THT100 Theater Appreciation *
- THT110 Beginning Acting
- THT120 Stagecraft