All campus locations will be closed for day classes on Wednesday, February 19. A decision on evening classes will be made by 2 pm. Staff do not report. Students should check Canvas for updates from their instructors.

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Course List

See Course DetailSubject CodeCourse No.SecSeats RemainingMax SeatsCRNCourse TitleInstructor NameDaysTime# WeeksCampusTierCommentsBooks
EDU230 Academic Serv. LearningSVC0011Closed3038067EDU230 Academic Serv. Learning TBD16 OnlineBooks
ECE102 Academic Serv. LearningSVC00102Closed2538068ECE102 Academic Serv. LearningChristy CorneliusARRARR16 OnlineBooks
HRA216 Acad. Serv. LearningSVC0013Closed3038070HRA216 Acad. Serv. LearningKatherine DonahueARRARR16 OnlineBooks
WLD244 Acad. Serv. :LearningSVC00103Closed2538069WLD244 Acad. Serv. :LearningJoseph CandelaARRARR16 OnlineBooks
PSY215 Academic Serv. LearningSVC0014Closed3038071PSY215 Academic Serv. LearningDeena KauslerARRARR16 OnlineBooks
SWK110 Acad. Serv. LearningSVC0015Closed3038072SWK110 Acad. Serv. LearningSusan WelchARRARR16 OnlineBooks
PSY101H Acad. Serv. LearningSVC0016Closed4038073PSY101H Acad. Serv. LearningLeslie BuckARRARR16 OnlineBooks
HRA240 Academ. Serv. LearningSVC0017Closed4038074HRA240 Academ. Serv. LearningWilliam KauneARRARR16 OnlineBooks