All campus locations will be closed for day classes on Wednesday, February 19. A decision on evening classes will be made by 2 pm. Staff do not report. Students should check Canvas for updates from their instructors.

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Course List

See Course DetailSubject CodeCourse No.SecSeats RemainingMax SeatsCRNCourse TitleInstructor NameDaysTime# WeeksCampusTierCommentsBooks
Beginning AlgebraMTH00201Closed1237708Beginning AlgebraJohn JohnyMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 Hillsboro*MTH002-01: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Beginning AlgebraMTH00202Closed2437709Beginning AlgebraJohn JohnyTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 Hillsboro*MTH002-02: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Beginning AlgebraMTH00203Closed1637710Beginning AlgebraDianne MarquartMW12:00PM-01:15PM16 Hillsboro*MTH002-03: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Beginning AlgebraMTH00204Closed1637711Beginning AlgebraDave FrankenreiterMW11:00AM-12:15PM16 Arnold*MTH002-04: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Beginning AlgebraMTH00206Closed2037713Beginning AlgebraPatricia LeeTR05:15PM-06:30PM16 Arnold*MTH002-06: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Beginning AlgebraMTH00250Closed2537714Beginning AlgebraSkyler RossARRARR14 Online*MTH002-50: 14-week online course. See term start and end dates listed above. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Beginning AlgebraMTH00251Closed2537715Beginning AlgebraBeverly MeyersARRARR14 Online*MTH002-51: 14-week online course. See term start and end dates listed above. After registering, please e-mail instructor using link provided above. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Support for College AlgebraMTH09403Closed1137716Support for College AlgebraGrover CableTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 Hillsboro*MTH094-03: Students must enroll in MTH134-03, CRN 33294. Weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Support for College AlgebraMTH09407Closed1037717Support for College AlgebraImran ShahMW12:30PM-01:45PM16 Hillsboro*MTH094-07: Students must enroll in MTH134-07, CRN 30562. Weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Support for College AlgebraMTH09409Closed937718Support for College AlgebraDianne MarquartMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 Hillsboro*MTH094-09: Students must enroll in MTH134-09, CRN 37527. Weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Support for College AlgebraMTH09431Closed837515Support for College AlgebraLindsay SteighorstMW12:30PM-01:45PM16 Arnold*MTH094-31: Student must enrolled in MTH134-31 CRN 33301. Weekly internet assignments required. High Speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Support for College AlgebraMTH09435Closed837772Support for College AlgebraImran ShahTR06:45PM-08:00PM16 Arnold*MTH094-35:Students must enroll in MTH134-35, CRN 33302. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Industrial MathMTH10501Closed1830534Industrial MathKevin CrandallTR04:30PM-05:45PM16 Hillsboro*MTH105-01: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Industrial MathMTH10502Closed1833437Industrial MathKevin CrandallTR06:00PM-07:15PM16 Hillsboro*MTH105-02: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Technical Math IMTH12101Closed1537592Technical Math IImran ShahTR03:00PM-04:15PM16 Hillsboro* MTH121 - 01: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Intermediate AlgebraMTH12801Closed1237775Intermediate AlgebraImran ShahTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 Hillsboro*MTH128-01: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Intermediate AlgebraMTH12802Closed1537927Intermediate AlgebraMatthew HuskyMW01:30PM-02:45PM16 Hillsboro*MTH128-02: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Intermediate AlgebraMTH12830Closed1633305Intermediate AlgebraJohn JohnyMW06:00PM-07:15PM16 Arnold*MTH12831: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Intermediate AlgebraMTH12851Closed2530549Intermediate AlgebraLindsay SteighorstARRARR14 Online*MTH128-51: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. After registering, please e-mail instructor using link provided above. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Intermediate AlgebraMTH12852Closed2537903Intermediate AlgebraBeverly MeyersARRARR14 Online*MTH128-52: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. After registering, please e-mail instructor using link provided above. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Intermediate AlgebraMTH12853Closed2537926Intermediate AlgebraSamuel YoungARRARR14 Online*MTH128-53: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. After registering, please e-mail instructor using link provided above. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Structure Real NumberMTH13031Closed2033700Structure Real NumberDianne MarquartTR02:00PM-03:15PM16 HillsboroBooks
Survey of College MathematicsMTH13150Closed2537529Survey of College MathematicsConstance KucharARRARR14 Online*MTH131-50: Online, 14-week course. See term start & end dates listed above. Online orientation. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet strongly recommended.Books
Introductory StatisticsMTH13201Closed1536881Introductory StatisticsSkyler RossTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 HillsboroBooks
Introductory StatisticsMTH13202Closed1537830Introductory StatisticsSkyler RossMW01:30PM-02:45PM16 HillsboroBooks
Introductory StatisticsMTH13230Closed1637512Introductory StatisticsLindsay SteighorstTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 ArnoldBooks
Introductory StatisticsMTH13251Closed2537904Introductory StatisticsLindsay SteighorstARRARR14 Online*MTH132-51: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. After registering, please e-mail instructor using link provided above. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13402Closed1537521College AlgebraSkyler RossMWF09:00AM-09:50AM16 Hillsboro*MTH134-02: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13403Closed1133294College AlgebraGrover CableTR08:00AM-09:15AM16 Hillsboro*MTH134-03: Students must enroll in MTH094-03, CRN 37716. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High Speed Internet access is strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13404Closed637719College AlgebraGrover CableTR08:00AM-09:15AM16 Hillsboro*MTH134-04: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13406Closed1730559College AlgebraConstance KucharTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 Hillsboro*MTH134-06: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13407Closed1030562College AlgebraImran ShahMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 Hillsboro*MTH134-07: Students must enroll in MTH094-07, CRN 37717. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13408Closed537721College AlgebraImran ShahMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 Hillsboro*MTH134-08: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13409Closed937527College AlgebraDianne MarquartMWF10:00AM-10:50AM16 Hillsboro*MTH134-09: Students must enroll in MTH094-09, CRN 37718. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13410Closed637738College AlgebraDianne MarquartMWF10:00AM-10:50AM16 Hillsboro*MTH134-10: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13431Closed833301College AlgebraLindsay SteighorstMW09:30AM-10:45AM16 Arnold*MTH134-31: Students must enroll in MTH094-31, CRN 37515. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13432Closed837516College AlgebraLindsay SteighorstMW09:30AM-10:45AM16 Arnold*MTH134-32: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed internet strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13434Closed1537270College AlgebraSamuel YoungTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 Arnold*MTH134-34: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed internet strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13435Closed833302College AlgebraImran ShahTR05:15PM-06:30PM16 Arnold*MTH134-35: Students must enroll in MTH094-35, CRN 37772. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13436Closed837771College AlgebraImran ShahTR05:15PM-06:30PM16 Arnold*MTH134-36: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13451Closed2536263College AlgebraConstance KucharARRARR14 Online*MTH134-51: Online course, 14-week course. See term start & end dates listed above. Online orientation. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13452Closed2530564College AlgebraConstance KucharARRARR14 Online*MTH134-52: Online course, 14-week course. See term start & end dates listed above. Online orientation. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
College AlgebraMTH13453Closed2537940College AlgebraSamuel YoungARRARR14 Online*MTH134-53: Online course, 14-week course. See term start & end dates listed above. Online orientation. Two proctored tests are required that may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
PrecalculusMTH14101Closed1830568PrecalculusJohn JohnyMTWRF08:00AM-08:50AM16 Hillsboro*MTH1411: Requires weekly Internet assignments. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
PrecalculusMTH14151Closed2537855PrecalculusCody GuinanARRARR14 Online*MTH141-51: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. Requires weekly Internet assignments. High-speed Internet strongly recommended.Books
Calculus For Business Soc SciMTH16101Closed1537526Calculus For Business Soc SciDianne MarquartMWF09:00AM-09:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
Calculus IMTH18001Closed1537868Calculus ISkyler RossMTWRF11:00AM-11:50AM16 Online*MTH 180-01: Live Remote/Synchronous Online course. Students must attend weekly class sessions via a live Internet stream of the class sessions. Online participation of live sessions can occur using a web browser, smart phone, or tablet. The remaining course materials are delivered online in Blackboard. Please email instructor after enrolling. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Calculus IMTH18002Closed1536183Calculus ISkyler RossMTWRF11:00AM-11:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
Calculus IMTH18003Closed2636412Calculus ILindsay SteighorstMTWR11:00AM-12:05PM16 ArnoldBooks
Calculus IIMTH18501Closed1830574Calculus IIImran ShahTR,MWF09:30AM-10:20AM,09:00AM-09:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
Calculus IIIMTH20101Closed1230575Calculus IIIJohn JohnyTR,MWF09:30AM-10:20AM,09:00AM-09:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
Differential EquationsMTH20501Closed1630576Differential EquationsJohn JohnyTR12:30PM-01:45PM16 HillsboroBooks