Course List
See Course Detail | Subject Code | Course No. | Sec | Seats Remaining | Max Seats | CRN | Course Title | Instructor Name | Days | Time | # Weeks | Campus | Tier | Comments | Books |
Business Math | MGT | 103 | 01 | 24 | 24 | 20111 | Business Math | Rose Karn | TR | 12:30PM-01:45PM | 16 | Hillsboro | 1 | Books | |
Business Math | MGT | 103 | 40 | 30 | 30 | 27331 | Business Math | Brent Bell | T | 06:00PM-08:40PM | 8 | Arnold | 1 | Hybrid, first 8-week course | Books |
Business Math | MGT | 103 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 23244 | Business Math | Katherine Johnson | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online,16-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Midterm and final exams must be taken at Testing Center. High-speed internet access is required. | Books |
Spreadsheet Applications | MGT | 105 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 27259 | Spreadsheet Applications | Victoria Morgan | ARR | ARR | 14 | Online | 1 | 14-week, online course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Excel 2016 is required. Campus computers have Excel 2016. High-speed internet access is required. | Books |
Bookkeeping | MGT | 107 | 01 | 22 | 22 | 27542 | Bookkeeping | Katherine Johnson | MW | 12:00PM-01:15PM | 16 | Hillsboro | 1 | Books | |
Bookkeeping | MGT | 107 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 26568 | Bookkeeping | Katherine Johnson | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online, 16-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Midterm and final exams must be taken at Testing Center. High-speed internet access is required. | Books |
Human Resource Management | MGT | 120 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 25859 | Human Resource Management | Kimberly Pitts | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online, 16-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. High-speed internet access required. | Books |
Personal Finance | MGT | 125 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 26569 | Personal Finance | Katherine Johnson | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online, 16-week course. Midterm and final exams must be taken as the Testing Center. High-speed internet access is strongly recommended. | Books |
Personal Selling | MGT | 132 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 23737 | Personal Selling | Cindy Rossi | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online course, 16-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. Two mandatory sales presentations on Google Meet. High-speed internet access required. | Books |
Advertising | MGT | 133 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 22157 | Advertising | Cindy Rossi | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online course, 16-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. After registering, please e-mail instructor using link provided above. High- speed internet access is strongly recommended. | Books |
Entrepreneurship | MGT | 145 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 24325 | Entrepreneurship | Cindy Rossi | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online, 16-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. After registering, please email instructor using link provided above. Please contact Dr. Cindy Rossi if you would like to coordinate face-to-face meeting times. High-speed internet access strongly recommended. | Books |
Business Intern I | MGT | 199 | 01 | 20 | 20 | 27695 | Business Intern I | Cindy Rossi | ARR | ARR | 16 | Hillsboro | 1 | Mandatory Orientation Google Meet 8/19/24, 6:00 pm. Join Online--Link: jtv-qxjr-pwc ( Students must have a job working 13 hours a week for the fall session before the semester begins. Email Dr. Rossi with any questions: | Books |
Web Marketing | MGT | 220 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 27087 | Web Marketing | Victoria Morgan | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online, 16-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. High-speed internet access required. | Books |
Payroll Accounting | MGT | 243 | 01 | 22 | 22 | 27238 | Payroll Accounting | Katherine Johnson | T | 11:00AM-12:15PM | 16 | Hillsboro | 1 | Hybrid course. Exams must be taken in the Testing Center. | Books |
QuickBooks | MGT | 245 | 51 | 25 | 25 | 27383 | QuickBooks | Ronald Trucks | ARR | ARR | 16 | Online | 1 | Online, 14-week course | Books |
Financial Management | MGT | 262 | 01 | 22 | 22 | 20133 | Financial Management | Katherine Johnson | TR | 09:30AM-10:45AM | 16 | Hillsboro | 1 | Books | |
Accounting Internship | MGT | 295 | 01 | 20 | 20 | 26879 | Accounting Internship | Cindy Rossi | ARR | ARR | 16 | Hillsboro | 1 | Mandatory Orientation Google Meet 8/119/24, 6 pm. Join Online: jtv-qxjr-pwc ( You must have a job working 13 hours a week for the fall session before the semester begins. Email Dr. Rossi with any questions: | Books |