All campus locations will be closed for day classes on Wednesday, February 19. A decision on evening classes will be made by 2 pm. Staff do not report. Students should check Canvas for updates from their instructors.

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Course List

See Course DetailSubject CodeCourse No.SecSeats RemainingMax SeatsCRNCourse TitleInstructor NameDaysTime# WeeksCampusTierCommentsBooks
English Second Lang IENG03101Closed1035134English Second Lang IMona AlnamooraMWF10:00AM-10:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Second Lang I LabENG03102Closed1035137English Second Lang I LabMona AlnamooraMW12:00PM-12:50PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Second Lang IIENG03201Closed1035135English Second Lang IIMona AlnamooraMWF10:00AM-10:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Second Lang II LabENG03202Closed1035136English Second Lang II LabMona AlnamooraMW12:00PM-12:50PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Second Lang IIIENG03301Closed1030891English Second Lang IIIMona AlnamooraMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Second Lang IVENG03401Closed1035715English Second Lang IVMona AlnamooraMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
College Reading and WritingENG09001Closed1536922College Reading and WritingElizabeth EbertTR09:30AM-11:35AM16 HillsboroBooks
College Reading and WritingENG09002Closed1536481College Reading and WritingElizabeth EbertMWF09:00AM-10:25AM16 HillsboroBooks
College Reading and WritingENG09031Closed1536924College Reading and WritingSusan ToddTR11:00AM-01:05PM14 ArnoldBooks
College Reading and WritingENG09032Closed1537310College Reading and WritingMaria TolliverMW06:00PM-08:05PM16 ArnoldBooks
Foundations of English CompENG09901Closed1036896Foundations of English CompChristopher OttoTR12:30PM-01:45PM16 Hillsboro*Student must enroll in ENG 101 CRN 36895.Books
Foundations of English CompENG09903Closed1035972Foundations of English CompSusan ToddMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 Hillsboro*Students must enroll in ENG 101 CRN 36018.Books
Foundations of English CompENG09905Closed1033388Foundations of English CompAmy CallMWF10:00AM-10:50AM16 Hillsboro*Student must enroll in ENG 101 CRN 36017.Books
Foundations of English CompENG09907Closed1035624Foundations of English CompShannon StrawhunMW01:30PM-02:45PM16 Hillsboro*Students must also enroll in ENG 101 CRN 30351Books
Foundations of English CompENG09909Closed1034791Foundations of English CompAmy CallTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 Hillsboro*Students must enroll in ENG 101 CRN 36894.Books
Foundations of English CompENG09915Closed1037579Foundations of English CompAlex CollinsW06:45PM-09:25PM16 Hillsboro*Students must also enroll in ENG101 CRN 30339.Books
Foundations of English CompENG09930Closed1036899Foundations of English CompLeslie BoudourisMW09:30AM-10:45AM16 Arnold*Student must enroll in ENG 101 CRN 36898.Books
Foundations of English CompENG09932Closed1033389Foundations of English CompStacey WalkerR06:45PM-09:25PM16 Arnold*Student must enroll in ENG 101 CRN 36905.Books
Foundations of English CompENG09934Closed1036901Foundations of English CompShanie LathamMW12:30PM-01:45PM16 Arnold* Student must enroll in ENG 101 CRN 36900.Books
Foundations of English CompENG09936Closed1033414Foundations of English CompJennifer JokerstTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 Arnold*Student must enroll in ENG 101 CRN 36903.Books
English Composition IENG10101Closed1036895English Composition IChristopher OttoTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 Hillsboro*Student must enroll in ENG 099 CRN 36896.Books
English Composition IENG10102Closed1533748English Composition IChristopher OttoTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10103Closed1036018English Composition ISusan ToddMWF10:00AM-10:50AM16 Hillsboro*Student must enroll in ENG 099 CRN 35972.Books
English Composition IENG10104Closed1530345English Composition ISusan ToddMWF10:00AM-10:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10105Closed1036017English Composition IAmy CallMWF09:00AM-09:50AM16 Hillsboro*Student must enroll in ENG 099 CRN 33388.Books
English Composition IENG10106Closed1530333English Composition IAmy CallMWF09:00AM-09:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10107Closed1030351English Composition IShannon StrawhunMW12:00PM-01:15PM16 Hillsboro*Students must enroll in ENG 099 CRN 35624.Books
English Composition IENG10108Closed1530349English Composition IShannon StrawhunMW12:00PM-01:15PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10109Closed1036894English Composition IAmy CallTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 Hillsboro*Student must enroll in ENG 099 CRN 34791.Books
English Composition IENG10110Closed1530346English Composition IAmy CallTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10111Closed2530348English Composition IMartha BaldwinTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10113Closed2530350English Composition ITroy CarronTR12:30PM-01:45PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10114Closed2536019English Composition IShannon StrawhunMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10115Closed1030339English Composition IAlex CollinsM06:45PM-09:25PM16 Hillsboro*Students must also enroll in ENG099 CRN 37579.Books
English Composition IENG10116Closed1537580English Composition IAlex CollinsM06:45PM-09:25PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IENG10130Closed1036898English Composition ILeslie BoudourisMW08:00AM-09:15AM16 Arnold*Student must enroll in ENG 099 CRN 36899.Books
English Composition IENG10131Closed1536897English Composition ILeslie BoudourisMW08:00AM-09:15AM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IENG10132Closed1036905English Composition IStacey WalkerT06:45PM-09:25PM16 Arnold*Student must enroll in ENG 099 CRN 33389.Books
English Composition IENG10133Closed1536904English Composition IStacey WalkerT06:45PM-09:25PM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IENG10134Closed1036900English Composition IShanie LathamMW11:00AM-12:15PM16 Arnold* Student must enroll in ENG 099 36901.Books
English Composition IENG10135Closed1536051English Composition IShanie LathamMW11:00AM-12:15PM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IENG10136Closed1036903English Composition IJennifer JokerstTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 Arnold* Student must enroll in ENG 099 CRN 33414.Books
English Composition IENG10137Closed1536902English Composition IJennifer JokerstTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IENG10140Closed2532136English Composition IStacey WalkerTR08:00AM-09:15AM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IENG10142Closed2537584English Composition IChristian KnoblochTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IENG10150Closed2030337English Composition IAndrea St. JohnARRARR14 Online*ENG10150: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Please check Blackboard course homepage for orientation and syllabus once the semester begins. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IENG10151Closed2030342English Composition ILeslie BoudourisARRARR14 Online*ENG10151: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IENG10152Closed2037016English Composition IMadison EmerickARRARR14 Online*ENG10152: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. High speed Internet access strongly recommened.Books
English Composition IENG10153Closed2032539English Composition IAndrew MorrowARRARR8 Online*ENG10153: Online course, second 8-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Please check course homepage for orientation and syllabus through Blackboard icon on Jeffco homepage once the course begins. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IIENG10201Closed2530361English Composition IITroy CarronTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10202Closed2530363English Composition IITimothy BoehmeMWF10:00AM-10:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10203Closed2536919English Composition IITimothy BoehmeTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10204Closed2530365English Composition IITimothy BoehmeTR12:30PM-01:45PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10205Closed2530367English Composition IIMartha BaldwinMW12:00PM-01:15PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10206Closed2532580English Composition IITimothy BoehmeMWF11:00AM-11:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10207Closed2536920English Composition IIAndrea St. JohnMW01:30PM-02:45PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10208Closed2530360English Composition IIAndrea St. JohnMWF09:00AM-09:50AM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10209Closed2530362English Composition IITroy CarronTR02:00PM-03:15PM16 HillsboroBooks
English Composition IIENG10230Closed2530364English Composition IICharles BlasingameTR11:00AM-12:15PM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IIENG10231Closed2530366English Composition IIShawn McDanielMW11:00AM-12:15PM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IIENG10232Closed2532131English Composition IICharles BlasingameTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IIENG10233Closed2532132English Composition IIChristopher OttoMW12:30PM-01:45PM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IIENG10234Closed2533412English Composition IIShawn McDanielMW09:30AM-10:45AM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IIENG10235Closed2532139English Composition IIRick HaynesW06:45PM-09:25PM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IIENG10236Closed2537585English Composition IIAshley RudolphTR12:30PM-01:45PM16 ArnoldBooks
English Composition IIENG10250Closed2030357English Composition IIAndrea St. JohnARRARR14 Online*ENG10250: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Please check course homepage for orientation and syllabus through Blackboard icon on Jeffco homepage once the semester begins. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IIENG10251Closed2034054English Composition IIChristopher OttoARRARR14 Online*ENG10251: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Please check course homepage for orientation and syllabus through Blackboard icon on Jeffco homepage once the course begins. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IIENG10252Closed2034055English Composition IIChristopher OttoARRARR14 Online*ENG10252: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Please check course homepage for orientation and syllabus through Blackboard icon on Jeffco homepage once the course begins. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IIENG10253Closed2035688English Composition IIStephanie GillespieARRARR14 Online*ENG10253: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Please check course homepage for orientation and syllabus through Blackboard icon on Jeffco homepage once the semester begins. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IIENG10254Closed2031347English Composition IILindsay SonntagARRARR14 Online*ENG10254: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IIENG10255Closed2037162English Composition IIAndrew MorrowARRARR8 Online*ENG10255: Online course, second 8-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
English Composition IIENG10256Closed2037427English Composition IIChristian KnoblochARRARR14 Online*ENG10256: Online 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. High- speed Internet access strongly encouraged.Books
Honors English Comp IIENG102H01Closed1530375Honors English Comp IIAndrea St. JohnTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 HillsboroBooks
Honors English Comp IIENG102H02Closed1536418Honors English Comp IIShanie LathamTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 ArnoldBooks
Honors English Comp IIENG102H03Closed1536416Honors English Comp IISusan ToddTR09:30AM-10:45AM16 ArnoldBooks
Creative WritingENG10401Closed2535088Creative WritingElizabeth EbertTR12:30PM-01:45PM16 HillsboroBooks
Poetry and Short StoryENG10530Closed3237568Poetry and Short StoryShanie LathamTR12:30PM-01:45PM16 ArnoldBooks
Poetry and Short StoryENG10550Closed2536999Poetry and Short StoryChristopher OttoARRARR3 Online*ENG10505: Online course, 3-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. High speed Internet access strongly recommended. Winter session registration limited to 4 credit hours only.Books
Poetry and Short StoryENG10551Closed2533984Poetry and Short StoryAndrea St. JohnARRARR14 Online*ENG10551: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. High speed Internet access strongly recommended. The topic for this section will be fairy tale, fantasy, and science fiction.Books
Drama and Short NovelENG10601Closed3533985Drama and Short NovelAmy CallT08:00AM-09:15AM16 Hillsboro*ENG1061: Hybrid course; this class meets once a week with a large online component. High speed Internet strongly recommended.Books
Drama and Short NovelENG10650Closed2535974Drama and Short NovelChristopher OttoARRARR14 Online*ENG10650: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. The topic for this section will be monsters and literature. The reading list is build around the exploration of monsters and heroes. Some of the literature that will be read and studied will be Frankenstein, Jeckyll and Hyde, and works from Ancient Greece. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
Film Appreciation: CinemaENG12201Closed3530384Film Appreciation: CinemaTimothy BoehmeMW01:30PM-02:45PM16 HillsboroBooks
American Lit After 1865ENG22950Closed2533474American Lit After 1865Shanie LathamARRARR14 Online*ENG22950: Online course, 14-week course. See term start and end dates listed above. No on-campus orientation. Two proctored tests are required and may be taken on-campus or through an approved remote testing location. High speed Internet access strongly recommended.Books
MythologyENG25030Closed2535626MythologyChristopher OttoM11:00AM-12:15PM16 Arnold*ENG2501: Hybrid course; this class meets once a week with a large online component. High speed Internet strongly recommended.Books
Honors MythologyENG250H01Closed1537740Honors MythologyAndrea St. JohnMW12:00PM-01:15PM16 HillsboroBooks