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Student Athlete Class Attendance Policy

All Jefferson College student-athletes have a responsibility to attend all classes. Instructors have the discretion over whether or not to accept an absence; this includes anything related to athletic competition. There are specific course guidelines and attendance policies each instructor sets for their course. Jefferson College understands the validity of a student-athlete representing the institution, yet all attempts should be made to minimize the number of classes a student-athlete may miss due to athletic competition. Any absences due to sickness or personal reason(s) not related to athletic competition are subject to the instructor’s discretion. Student-athletes should understand and agree to the following:

  • Attend classes regularly, and on time.
  • Read through the course syllabus thoroughly and fully comprehend the attendance policy for all enrolled classes.
  • Contact instructors regarding dates/times of absences due to team competition and/or travel. The student-athlete is responsible for making sure instructors receive ample notice.
    • The Student-Athlete Success Coordinator will also send an email at the beginning of every week to all faculty letting them know of any scheduled games/travel that may fall within scheduled class times.
  • Understand that there may be instances when instructor(s) are unable to accommodate the student-athlete’s athletic schedule. In such case, the student-athlete is responsible for making sure academics take priority. If ignored, the student-athlete must be ready to accept the consequences. 19
  • Understand that as a student-athlete at Jefferson College, all athletes are expected to behave in a manner that will show respect to our institution, sport, coaches, teammates, officials, and fans.
  • If a student-athlete is in an academic situation which doesn’t seem to be improving due to conflicts with the athletic schedule of the team, it is the responsibility of the student-athlete to tell the coach and the Student-Athlete Success Coordinator immediately.

Students who attend class regularly and punctually do themselves a service and show instructors and other class members a courtesy. Students are not entitled to a certain number of absences. Information presented in the class is critical in the learning process. An instructor may consider excessive tardiness as absences in determining if a student may remain in the class. If a student misses more than 15 percent of the total time (including lecture and laboratory) that the class meets in a term, the student may be prohibited from attending the class by the instructor. In such cases, the student must officially withdraw from the course in order to reduce the possibility of receiving an “F” for the course. At the beginning of the term, the instructor will notify their students of the attendance requirements for the class. Failure to attend class does not constitute an official withdrawal.

To ensure student-athletes are participating and attending classes, the Student-Athlete Success Coordinator pulls the Financial Aid Athletic Student Participation Report every Monday and will report out to coaches if any student-athlete was absent and/or did not participate for the week prior in any of their class(s).