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ARO Getting Started

Many services for students with disabilities that were previously facilitated by parents and teachers under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Guidelines are now the responsibility of the student.  It should be understood that not all accommodations received in high school are acceptable in college.  It is the student’s responsibility to self-identify, provide current and appropriate documentation of a disability, and request accommodations from the Accessibility Resource Office.

Any qualified student with a disability who requests accommodation should meet with the ARO Coordinator at least 3 weeks before the student’s first semester of classes.  This allows time to ensure that the student has all the appropriate documentation related to the disability and to set up needed accommodations in advance.

A student has a right to choose not to disclose a disability; however, if a student chooses not to disclose a disability to the Accessibility Resource Office, the student is not covered under the ADAAA or under Section 504, and he or she cannot receive accommodations or support services.  Should a student choose not to disclose a disability and then later decide to disclose the disability, any newly requested accommodations are not provided retroactively.

Who is eligible?

The Accessibility Resource Office provides services for any Jefferson College student with a diagnosed disability, including but not limited to: visual, hearing, psychiatric, physical, and learning disabilities.

Current and appropriate documentation of a disability must be provided to the ARO and must show how the disability substantially limits one or more major life activities before accommodations can be received. Jefferson College follows the established guidelines of the St. Louis Association on Higher Education and Disabilities (AHEAD) regarding documentation requirements for learning disabilities at the post-secondary level. 

To request information regarding required documentation, contact the ARO in the Arts and Sciences II building Room 303 at Jefferson College Hillsboro or call (636) 481-3158 or (636) 797-3000, ext. 3158. TTY Users dial 711.

Getting Started

Placement Testing (Accuplacer) Accommodations: If you have used accommodations for testing in the past, contact the Accessibility Resource Office at 636-481-3158 before taking the placement (Accuplacer) test.

To ensure appropriate accommodations are in place before the semester begins, the 
following steps must be taken: 

  1. Contact the ARO at (636) 481-3158 or (636) 797-3000, ext. 3158 (TTY Users Dial 711) to discuss potential eligibility and the process for accessing disability services.
  2. Complete an Application for Services  
  3. Provide the ARO with all requested and appropriate documentation. 
  4. Complete an intake appointment to go over any approved accommodations.
  5. Meet with an advisor and register for classes.
  6. Contact the ARO each semester to continue receiving services. 

    IMPORTANT:  If you are applying for testing accommodations to use for your midterm exams and/or your final exams, please be aware that the cutoff to have your intake completed by the ARO Coordinator (this is the final step of the process of applying for accommodations) is the Tuesday before the week of midterms and finals, to allow enough time for the following to happen:

    • Your accommodation letter to be finalized and sent to you, your instructor(s), and the Testing Center.
    • You email (if an online class) or meet with (if an in-person class) your instructor(s) to discuss your accommodations.
    • You contact the Testing Center (636-481-3147) and reserve a day and time to take your final with your testing accommodations.
    • You arrange for any necessary training with the Accessibility Resource Office (636-481-3162) should you have testing accommodations that require the use of any technology.
    • Your instructor(s) can complete the required Testing Center referral form, adjust the time on the test, and send it to the Testing Center.

Specific Documentation Requirements

Please see the Accessibility Resource Office Policies and Procedures Manual for more information.