Computers & Information Technology
Technology is a vital part of the modern workplace. Jefferson College offers technology coursework for everyone whether you are just being introduced to computers to those who work in Computer Science or Information Technology. We offer entry-level Instructor-Led courses for those who are just learning to use a computer, as well as Certification Prep for people already at work in the field.
Jefferson College provides onsite, in-person, basic computer classes to help introduce you to the computer and basic computer applications. Our instructor-led courses include classes email to register for one of these courses.
- Beginning computers
- Social Media Basics
- Excel Beginning and Intermediate classes
- Beginning QuickBooks
- Keyboarding
These courses provide instruction for individuals working in the field of computer science or interested in entering the field. Learn to design webpages, programming languages, and app development.
- Introduction to Programming
- Introduction to C# Programming
- Introduction to Java Programming
- Oracle PL/SQL Training
- Creating Mobile Apps
- Other Computer Science courses from ed2go
- Introduction to PC Troubleshooting
- Basic CompTIA A+ Certification Prep
- Networking
- Additional IT Courses from ed2go
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Adobe Photoshop
- AutoCad Fundamentals
- AutoCad 3D
- Other graphic and CAD courses from ProTrain
IMPORTANT NOTE: When enrolling in any of our online courses, please call the Continuing Education Office at (636) 481-3144 to confirm enrollment for proper course credits.