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Career Training and Development

Career Training

The training options in this section are designed to help you develop the skills to begin a career. These programs will provide extensive training and industry-recognized certifications that are in demand. There is no better time to start a new career. Learn more about the programs available below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact Workforce and Employment Services for assistance at 636-481-3144. View our catalog for upcoming program offerings. 

Tuition Assistance is available. Click here to learn more.

Healthcare Worker




Highlighted Online Programs 

Computers and Information Technology

Computers and
Information Technology

Professional Development Training

Being employed doesn't mean you are done learning; continuing education is required for some professions in order to maintain licensure or certification. We offer a variety of seminars and workshops designed to help you stay up-to-date and competitive in your field.

Online Learning

Computer Skills

Drinking-Water/ Waste Water Operators

Waste Water Operators

Food Service/Hospitality Industry

Food Service/Hospitality Industry