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Report a Crime

Jefferson College encourages the accurate and timely reporting of all crimes to the Police Department. You may stop by the Police Department in person, or by phone at (636) 481-3500 or Ext. 3500 from a campus phone.  For emergencies, dial 911 and a JCPD Officer will be dispatched to your location

Victims of Sexual Violence (covering Sexual Assault, including Rape, Fondling, Incest and Statutory Rape; Domestic Violence; and Dating Violence and Stalking) have options regarding the involvement of law enforcement authorities and campus authorities. Students have several options, including the option to notify law enforcement authorities about the offense, the option to be assisted by campus authorities in notifying law enforcement if they choose to do so, and the option to decline to notify such authorities. Please click HERE for additional information regarding victim's options to report and how Jefferson College will address sexual misconduct. 

Please know that filing a police report with the JCPD will be kept confidential, and not obligate the victim to prosecute. 

Filing a police report will:

  • ensure that a victim of sexual violence receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the victim.
  • provide the opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution, which cannot be obtained later. (Ideally a victim of sexual violence should not wash, douche, use the toilet, or change clothing prior to a medical/legal exam).
  • ensure that the victim has access to free confidential counseling from counselors specifically trained in the area of sexual violence crisis intervention.
  • ensure that the victim has access to information to obtain or enforce a no contact directive or ex-parte/protection order, as issued by the court.